Thursday, April 18, 2024

Crowd Pleaser - Check 6 Check 12 - Christmas Tree - Fox Silver Bullet


: (1) 450 to 500 single warhead Minuteman III ICBMs, (2) fourteen Ohio-class submarines fitted with 336 D5 missiles, and (3) twenty B-2s and sixty-six aging B-52s with air launched cruise missiles.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the reality that the Jewry of Kiev and Tel Aviv have in globalist machinations have ratcheted the world closer to a real nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia, destroying the two dominant Protestant White Christian populations on the planet, the Lame Cherry embarks as this blog always attempts to teach you something which is not the dog and pony show you are always  jacking off to, so you will understand what is going on.

When Russia sent out the MONOLITH command to it's strategic submarines to ready a launch in retaliation against the District of Criminals, it revealed a preparation for an escalation in the Mideast in the Tel Aviv holocaust of Semites.

Tel Aviv will hit Iran. Iran will retaliate decisively, and in this, the Kremlin and the Pentagon reckon that a direct conventional clash will occur between US forces protecting the Jews who own the West and the Russian protecting the Muslims who are there southern flank protection from the nuclear Jewry of Tel Aviv.

Somewhere in this the United States will have it's battle groups sunk, meaning the Eisenhower will disappear in the Red Sea before the nuclear exchanges begin.

Hal Turner provided evidence that the Strategic Air Command base in Minot was loading nuclear cruise missiles under it's wings. This is the American response. This will not start with ICBM's. This will start with Russian nuclear submarines retaliating for their Navy being sunk and Russia proper struck. The Pentagon will launch strategic bombers out of America being vulnerable to attack, leave the Navy atomic submarines in reserve and use the ICBM silos as bait.

Yes NATO has these F 35 nuclear suicide bombers for a one way trip into Russia, but those platform are not focused upon here, as they are not going to get Americans dead in the Christian part of the nation.

What the Lame Cherry will walk you through is public knowledge. I'm not revealing anything which has not been published or stupidly placed into Pentagon propaganda feature stories.

Now that American nuclear bomber area loaded and America is at Defcon 2, what happens with the jets which number 86 at this phase.

Numbers will be placed into orbit. The below map from Operation Chrome Dome, shows a great deal of what will take place. There are 3 routes. Alaska, Greenland and Mediterranean. The heavy bombers will fly, run holding orbits over staging areas and be replaced with fresh bombers. The staging areas are refueling areas in Spain, Greenland and Alaska.

These are the areas that Russia would attempt to intercept, disrupt and EMP with nuclear pulse in an action scenario. Bombers without fuel can not fly bombs into Russia.

Meet you on the other side.

A bombing run is unique as while the 5 person crews on B 52 and 2 on the B 2 have their super cool x rays specs to stop their corneas from melting from nuclear blast brightness, these crews will go aloft to ration fuel, gain refueling at the staging areas, and then move to the final run sequence before entering Russian airspace.

The design of the strategic bombers, in the B 52 which has zero stealth capability is to fly them below 200 feet on their mission over the land in Russia. If their signature are not picked up by Russian S 400 and fighter craft, they will launch their cruise missiles and fly a route to supposed bases which should exist for refueling or landing in Europe, Japan, the Mideast.

In the illustration below, the red lines originate in the United States from North Dakota and Missouri, the bases of the nuclear bombers.The blue circles are refueling points and the chicken feet spread is the attack lanes the bombers will engage in over Russia, east and west. There are fewer targets in the Russian east, but Alaska and Japan are the locations the runs will emanate from.

The bombers will never return to the United States as their operational bases will be vaporized before they reach their refueling areas. It is more  astute to fly a cargo jet loaded with nuclear cruise missiles to a Eurasian location then fly all the way into a radioactive America for rearming.

I informed you before that the Lame Cherry is one of the last nuclear warfare experts there is. That is why you have never read anything like this in print before from anyone else.

Meet you on the other side.

The Russians will double tap certain locations, most likely Wright Patterson, Area 51, White Sands, Omaha, Cheyenne Mountain etc.... already have pre positioned nukes as insurance policy, but the positive assessment is that if we survive this first embracing of nuclear strikes, we probably will not get a vaporization from the ICBM's. What is generating in this is the Kremlin and Pentagon are hedging in not bringing out the ICBM's in they are playing at cutting each other off at the knees, instead of complete decapitation. The decapitation is being held in reserve as both think the other  will loose their appetite for breathing in the fatty ashes of their incinerated populations.

Russia appears to be generating to eliminate the problem children of the American woke coastal populations and the Pentagon appears to be surgically striking  to stop Russia from generating as a nuclear war machine.

All of this fresh information should make your minds full of a drunkenness of euphoria in the delightful knowledge of things you had no idea of in how artful nuclear war is in it just does not happen.

It is though a tremendous price to pay for a few Ashkenaz who lied that they died in the final solution and their offspring now offer this final solution to the Christian Protestants east and west.

Nuff Said


It Would Seem Some Are Taking This Personal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As only the Lame Cherry has covered, something going on in the inner sanctum of the elite, as movement has taken place in first David Rockefeller with a dozen heart transplants is allowed to die, and then Henry Kissinger, is denied the immortal ring in being allowed to die. The Kaganites took over this CFR status and then Victoria Nuland was cast aside in Ukraine in another counter coup. This though is not American centric in this inner battle for control as something of limits has been taking place in London and Europe.

First Harry and the Quadroon were allowed to so stress out the Queen and Prince Phil that it killed them.....again the potential immortals. Someone then shot up King Chuck and Queen Kate with the deadly vax and they are being eaten by cancer.

As this blog  noted, Lord Rothschild was removed in he is not going to be an immortal.

Now we have swei world power Jews going down for the count. George Soros is dying and his zealot son Alex has taken control........with his sex kitten, the scented vulva snacker of Hillary Clinton in Mrs. Anthony Weiner at his couch sitting side.
Word has now appeared in Klaus Schwab, another Rotschild is dying. Someone spiked these Jews vaxes in a direct hit for power and control of what is coming for global control in one is witnessing a removal of the Imperegals of America to be manage by the Kaganite few to the regicide of the British monarchy, and now the House of Rothchild is being taken down.

Meet you on the other side.

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Said Seriously Ill
In Hospital - No Formal Announcement Yet

The masses seem to be taking this personally in their memes. like when the Two Witnesses are murdered in the streets of Jerusalem a world holiday is declared. The focal point is though in the finite group of the committee who is engaged in this as they do not want immortal contenders around in their immortality, so they are knocking them off in the present mortality.

The cloth of the land will suffer of course worse as these little queer Jew boys, like the one acting like he is a god, have not figured out that they are going to be locked out of the ark with the rest of primates by whoever is behind this. Arrogance is a fatal mental disease of the Ashkenaz.

Yuval Noah Harari - 'When The Flood Comes’ The
Elite Will 'Build An Ark' And 'Leave The Rest To Drown'

I have an idea in who is engaged in this, but this is nothing of my chessboard. This is does have consequences as the rules have changed and these above the law elites are being culled in their inner circle with apparently a Jewish convert holocaust at the center as the ADL is preening about Kristi Noem laws to protect Jewry in America, when the fact is the teat who suckle this Jewry are getting a mastectomy to the grave and that is gave over. This Jewry is being left naked and it is not the masses they seek to intimidate, erase and replace who are the threat, but the group who is erasing and replacing the untouchables.

Everyone is looking for the anti Christ there is a real anti Norman, anti Ashkenaz and anti American which has appeared with lethal effect and no one is staying a word about this, save the Lame Cherry.

Nuff Said


Some very good data on Where to Flee to


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is first going to urge all of you non donors to follow the advice on where the safest place in the United States is to flee too. All 360 million invaders, leftists and urbanites, please do not bother to reach the following and just skim over it as you always do, because the real prize is at the bottom, so find the utopia and prepare to go there, maybe as Mitchell Hendersen said in driving without roads, across country fast, through the rural areas, to the place you are going to call home.

For my children, sorry the torture follows in the education which I put you through.

First lesson is, I was interested in how this person's analytical mind was working in what they thought in an implosion of America and the world where would be the place to go and to stay away from. There are maps to help out after you read the quotes, but as you look at the data, you should be aware that where this dude is advocating is farm land owned by farmers, desert land which is dry and land with trees or mountains on it, so people really can not find a place to hang off a cliff or move a tree out of the way.

Let us not get bogged down in the details of this genius though.

1. Human factors, 2. Natural factors, and 3. Economic factors

Human Factors:

  • Low population density (40 people per sq. mile or less)
  • Distance to major/minor cities (50+ miles away)
  • Distance to military bases (50+ miles away)
  • Distance to nuclear power plants (100+ miles away)
  • Distance to interstate highways
  • Low poverty rate
  • Low violent crime rate

Natural Factors:

  • Easy access to fresh water
  • Abundance of wild game
  • Low natural disaster risk
  • Dense forest cover
  • Adequate soil textures
  • Adequate rainfall
  • Low drought risk

Economic Factors:

  • Higher job growth
  • High abundance of non-renewable natural resources available for extraction (coal, oil, natural gas, metals and minerals, lumber, etc.
  • Higher educated citizens

I thought it was interesting in they think with the world on fire from Wormwood, nuclear bombs, anti Christs and invader wars that there is going to be a wonderful industry for people work their asses off in hard labor mining, drilling, chopping and hauling as it is not like the 60 tons of ore you have loaded are not going to have to be shipped somewhere to be bought.........I don't know who wants lithium though or gasoline as the cars won't be running and with everyone fleeing out of cities, it is not like batteries are going to be prodcued.

Here though is where you do not want to be in the orange areas as lots of people are there. I will mention my children that even at 40 people per mile as low population, that in rural areas, those 40 people have around 200 guns, and it bristles like porcupines in trouble. Just remember in getting from you point to point utopia, that there will be thousands of guns available to be shot at you.

Major Cities

Population Density

I will now skip to the winner, as the place to be is in Colorado, the desert, high range of Colorado with poor brown soil. The reason there is game there, is because it is not fit for growing things or range cattle and sheep.

But everyone should move to Colorado.

The Winner.

We have 5 finalists:

Archuleta Co., CO

Hinsdale Co., CO

San Juan Co., CO

Hubbard Co., MN

Highland Co., VA

At this point, let’s eliminate by comparing.

For extra isolation, eliminate Highland County, VA.

For better access to water, rain, and wild game, eliminate Archuleta County, CO.

For a place with less poverty and crime, stay out of San Juan County, CO.

At this point the decision for me comes down to the potential for future economic growth and a population that is more wilderness survival conscious, which leaves us our winner….

Hinsdale County, Colorado

There is no need for non donors to read anymore as this is just me nattering on about educational things which you in your superior knowledge already know. You should be clicking of the page and finding a realtor in Colorado to get you in Colorado before everyone else gets there..............oh there they click and are gone.

OK just lesson time in the drudgery of learning.

Now me being me, I might have a problem with this utopia. The first is it is overflowing with liberals and Mexicans. Second this is an area with allot of fucking pricks like non donors who have zero rural backgrounds and are selfish metro turds.

I see this area as fallout central in Cheyenne Mountain, White Sands. Area 51, California........anyway the wind blows and this area gets radioactive decay. Highland areas do not grow vine crops well as the growing season is short and cool. It is already arid and you will need buckets to water your meager garden.

This areas is cupped by a population of tens of millions of people. I know people do not last long hiking, but your odds increase with that many people in some very natural selection supermen who are going to be showing up near you.

What this rather inept analysis by this genius explains is that people would be better off in most cases to stay where they are. OK in all cases, as slaves in the metro dictatorships are not going to last, and it is more humane if they just get nuked and get it over.

There is  a point in this that people need fuel to travel on interstates and to get through the armed highway men and women out there. Except for the natural selection Darwins, most people will die statistically within 200 miles of their home in trying to flee. You are not theses invader convoys given Biden cash and support along the way by the Vatican.

Perhaps in this for the non donors and not the Protestant Christians that a reality must be faced in what is coming. You probably should brace yourself that you are going to be eating people, and the dogs and cats that are eating dead people. That will be your food source as honestly, you are too lazy to go 5 miles on foot and too stupid to make it several hundred miles in a vehicle. So where you end up, you are too stupid to find wild game as it is more skilled than you and game is the first thing to go in population shifts as it gets killed off.

So the final projection is, the Darwins that survive will be cannibals, who figure out to smoke ass steak and loins of humans for a food supply. It is macabre, but it is a far more reasoned approach than telling people to move to a death zone and expect you are going to make it in an area which has never held an aboriginal or White population of any number.

Not advocating any of this human dining, but just poking holes in some very researched data that has gaping holes in it which will only be filled by corpses of the fellow fleers or the dined upon Donners.

Nuff Said


Molly Sheenwald in Peace on Earth


Holocaust Warning

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mollie Ringwald has surfaced again in race hatred claiming that her films (I have never seen this woman in any film) are too white.  No one really cares what this 80's has been thinks or says, not in a world or real contentions which are reflected in this woman's loins, as who would have ever thought that the problems of this world could be recreated in the Ashkenaz look of Ringwalds daughter as a Jewess by crossing a Greek le femme with a Ringwald.

This has manifested in a duel of hate in Michael Rapaport championing the genocide of Philistines by Jews and John Cusack championing the final solution by Philistines in the genocide of the occupier Jews.

Here we can see the lengths this has gone to.

For obvious psychological reasons of self hate the public has been overtaken with peoples with psychosis where it is all or nothing. There is no adult reasoning. Normal minds can just accept the gifts of success from God, and not go into self hate guilt mode in their films are wrong and attack those who made them.

Others in the inability to process that there is good and evil in all people, choose sides when it has nothing to do with them as an American. John Cusack trolls Jews for their mass murder, but what about the reality of the Philistine. Michael Rapport suffers from the same princess and whore syndrome in Jews are his princess and the Philistines are his whores.

The Lame Cherry contends in this that America being pulled into this is nothing America should be exposed to as America is now preparing nuclear bombers to bomb Russia and Russia sent out an alert to it's nuclear submarines to bomb America, over what all of these people are killing each over ........and yes the District of Criminals started all of this for the cartel that funds all these horrid actors movies to brainwash society.

That is beside the point though.

As the Ashkenaz is a descendant of Japheth a son of Noah, who knew that if you crossed a Greek and a Ringwald you would get a grandchild of Japheth.

As nuclear bombs are going to settle this Cusack and Rapaport feud like all of these feuds, for those of us who survive,  we need to put into place breeding safeguards, so that we don't repeat history again. For example, if Japheth had not crossed and created the Ashkenaz, then Adolf Hitler would not have had his quest. He might have just been a talented artist like John Cusack, Michael Rapaport and Molly Ringwald painting pictures.                               

Surely there is some Hitler to be born, and if we do not put up breeding ordinances, who knows what future Greco Ringwald cross will unintentionally unleash upon the world, repeating this holocaust stuff all over again, with actors with psychosis of self hatred taking up arms of self destruction over some future Ashkenaz holocaust counter holocaust.

None of this is these people's fault, even if they are going to get us all mass slaughtered, because they just have mental issues.

Molly Ringwald should have procreated with Charlie Sheen as he certainly had allot of semen to spare. Kind of attractive and no Adolf Hitler would ever be upset with a Molly Sheenwald for a holocaust.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

So a Jew, a Nuke and a Wokester try a 3 way


butter pie

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The fucktard ruse by the District of Criminals in having Jewry in Ukraine slaughter Russians with Americans manning batteries, supplying billions in weapons and NATO sending troops to man the lines against Russia is over and the line has been drawn against that Rainbow Warrior, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken pretending that Tel Aviv is not going to tell America when Tel Aviv escalates to Armageddon in striking the Iranians.
The Russians know that every Jewish F  35 like all war jets have a transponder so American radar systems will not shoot them down in the numerous bases in the region which monitor everything. DC will know within moments that Tel Aviv launches a missile or an F 35, so there is not any innocent American hands in this and Russia knows this.

That is why the development of information released that the Kremlin transmitted the MONOLITH code to their nuclear ballistic submarine worldwide is of importance in this. These submarines are the trump card, for when Russia responds to the United States "defending Tel Aviv" as the Pentagon stupidly stated is US policy or if Russia shoots down Tel Aviv F 35's moving to bomb Iran, when America attempts to retaliate, this will go in this confrontation to those nuclear Russian submarines off the American coasts.

The Lame Cherry is going to make something perfectly clear in this. The Russians are no going to back down one inch in this. Those pansy faggots of DC are about to meet an iron fist from Russia which will smash their faces in.

What DC, London and Tel Aviv are playing at is a match which Tehran and Moscow have coordinated with.The Iranians in striking the state of Tel Aviv, have stated that they understood this operation would bring a Tel Aviv counter strike and that Iran would strike back again. Understand this point, Iran is not thinking in terms of these dink and dunk missile salvos of response. Iran has stated that it is prepared to fight a 30 to 90 day war against Tel Aviv and DC if they get involved. Iran has one goal, NO MATTER THE OUTCOME, and that is to establish deterrence again. As the Iranians have stated. "The era of hit and run is over". Iran is not going to allow it's people to be assassinated or it's sovereignty to be struck without fighting back.

Russia has coordinated with this. Russia is backing Iran and Ziongelical Speaker Mike Johnson is going to find out that worshiping Jews as your idol god is going to get Americans dead and the United States crippled. There is an 70% chance that Centcom will be obliterated in this fight. The US will be humiliated and driven from the Mideast. This goes to the conventional extreme and carrier Eisenhower is going to be sunk and it comes to that any American carrier sailing in any direction toward this theater will be sunk.

There are going to be absolute consequences in this for the woke pedos in the Pentagon panties.

It is already leaking the "wise" attack plan by Tel Aviv. In reviewing these targets, the Lame Cherry can tell you that crude oil will go 300 dollars a barrel and gas will be 25 dollars a gallon IF you can even get gasoline.

This is the list and the Lame Cherry will critique it.

Fuel depots

Weapon depots

Nuclear facilities

Revolutionary Guard Command

Iranian bases in the region

As the woke faggot Lt. Gen Pat Ryder exclaimed that America would always support Jewish defense, the reality is if Tel Aviv hits Iranian oil facilities, everything Jewish, American and European related Saudi, UAE and whatever will be hit by Iran and Russia.

The American stockpiles in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia will be obliterated by Iran and Russia. Russia will provide the weapons to defang the United States in the region.

Tel Aviv strikes the Iranian nuclear facilities. Iran will hit the Jewish reactor and pollute the entire sand spit of what is called the state of Tel Aviv. It will be UNINHABITABLE. That is what Russia is prepared for in this going full nuclear in striking America and Europe with nuclear submarines.

Revolutionary Guard Command will result in the obliteration of Mosaad, Shin Bet and IDF command.

Iranian bases struck means the end of Americans bases and American warships.

This all disgusts me in the entire United States is being erased and replaced in invasion, and it is funded by Bush Obama Catholic, Lutheran and Jewish fronts with tax dollars and it is these same treacherous assassins who are stoking this in making every American a target of being vaporized or shitting blood out of their asses over these Tel Aviv terrorists bent on a messianic venture that since they murdered Jesus the last time the Messiah appeared, they are going to blow up America for Greater Tel Aviv in this unGodly disaster.

The United States was founded upon the doctrine of not getting into treaties of mutual defense for this very macabre reason. Americans are in jeopardy over these Goddamn Jesus hating converts in Kiev and Tel Aviv.

This is not just these messiahists of Tel Aviv alone, as the Muslim Turks are furious in the British are flying war planes against Iran off of Cyprus, which there is a treaty banning such things, and more to the point, Cyprus is under the Turkish Muslim sphere of influence. This is spreading this Dying for the Dog of  Tel Aviv from regional obliteration to Continental obliteration as this stack of dominoes is falling from one theater to the next.

The Lame Cherry though is pleased with the escalation as each step is closer to the return of Jesus the Christ. We are not there yet, but it appears we can count on the Tel Aviv Ashkenaz to offer up Americans with the Normans of London to die in the path to Armageddon.
It would probably be a good idea for the thieving non donors to get those Lame Cherry donations accomplished, and that includes the lurking readers worldwide.

Tel Aviv will strike. Netanyahu lusts to hit the Iranian reactor as Begin did the Iraqi reactor of Saddam Hussein. Might be the best thing as this would then go nuclear in taking out the police state and returning some liberty to the sons of the brave and daughters of the free. When I see the Iranian window of war, I note this is the June window of transference to the American theater where the chickens come home to roost.

That Red Heifer needs to fulfill it's purpose and I dislike this piddling around  instead of just getting this done as much as I reject Americans being made targets for this end of the world shit in people who hate Jesus.

5 by 5.

Nuff Said

Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey - Paul McCartney - YouTube

May 28, 2022 ... melt so I put it in the pie Hands across the water, water Heads across ... Couldn't melt the butter so I put it in a pie ... The Beatles Lyrics•11K views · 9:57 · Go to ...



There is a Puzzle

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I first heard about this on and it was puzzling as real estate policies for insurance and then airlines were changing policy over flyer miles.

Read the quote from Armstrong and I will meet you on the other side.

Some insurance companies are altering their policies for corporations and business interruptions, which seems to be in anticipation of government lockdowns for climate change under the label “weather events.” The government seems to be preparing for new lockdowns under the pretense of climate change this summer.  It appears that they are preparing to restrict travel starting from early to mid-June.  This appears to be part of the agenda being orchestrated to prevent people from traveling for vacations using climate change as an excuse. This is part of a covert action along with the hyping of bird flu to ramp up restrictions and to force more justification for mail-in ballots as they did using COVID.

Yes there is this fake Bird Bug. Yes this is this fake climate con. The Lame Cherry though is going to walk you through an intelligence analysis of this, as  this is what contractors and people who sift through data and intelligence do.

In thee above the two base factors are changes in policies, changes in costs for insurance, and changes in responsibility by corporations in air and insurance.

These changes are for protecting insurance and airlines from bankruptcy from some event or events which are out there. The thoughts of Armstrong are Bird Flu, Climate Change and the Trump elections.

The Lame Cherry assessment concludes the above conclusions are wrong.

The insurance companies and airlines are the ones red flagging this. This is not the Teamsters for trucking, no more than Peterbilt for trucking, no more than Cosco cargo ships, no more than the Commerce alerting Yellowstone to prepare for zero visitors. We are not seeing widespread alerts for Walmart not being able to get in Chinese tuna.

So what is really going on?

What are the factors in the above. Airliners and homeowners who would file claims on damages to their property. We have the window in early to mid June. This same window appears in the European seers who mentioned the time of the cherry blossoms.

Whatever the events, there are two certainties. Air travel is suppressed. Homeowners have damages. The nation is functioning yet, except for these two realities.

What this projects is a scenario where something either interupts fuel for airlines or airlines are such a danger they are not allowed to fly. If one correlates the two in homeowner damages in large levels and airlines either not having fuel or are a threat, it would mean that some event cuts off fuel supply or some event makes airlines dangerous to America, and factoring in the homeowner damage, that would link the damage comes from an airliner or airliners, because if this was fuel alone, fuel shortages do not damage people's property

Therefore the assessment projects one conclusion, that there will be in June 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, an event or series of events, involving airliners, which cause widespread damage to American homeowners in such great insurance numbers, involving stated nuclear links in the updates, which would bankrupt insurance companies.
The scenario which would project is that someone is going to fly, one or more airliners into America, loaded with nuclear devices which will detonate in one or more location, causing damages of a great extent.

This in turn will cause these policies to be negated and the airlines will be grounded as air travel will be judged a national security risk by Homeland.

Another Insurance Carrier Adds 'War Exclusion’
To Policies As WW3 Looms

The analysis of climate con, elections and bird bug, would not match the above data, as homeowners i COVID 19 did not suffer property damage. Could insurance companies be factoring in riots in these invaders, yes, but there would necessitate some trigger event to cause this kind of ending of law and order, and again, this is not the golden lanes of cities targeted by the cartel in the Obama BLM riots, so homeowners would being armed, band together and protect their homes as is always the case. This therefore then must be an event which homeowners can not protect themselves with guns with.
HAARP is not a factor as America has been beat to a pulp by HAARP and it has not shut down airlines or caused the kind of damages which a June tornado season would.

Therefore the conclusion is that what the airlines and insurance companies are prepared for is bin Laden type WMD airliners being flown in to America in early June which will bring a travel shutdown and areas of great damage which will cancel insurance claims due to nuclear exceptions.

It is what the data indicates.

As airlines burn kerosene, that is not gasoline or diesel or propane. It is logical to expect rationing of all goods, so again be prepared, get your back up replacements and keep calm and cherry on as Lame Cherry is writing.

Nuff Said

Oct 3, 2008 ... Put The Lime In The Coconut. 16M views · 15 years ago ...more. WizzRapKittyKat. 14.4K. Subscribe. 106K. Share. Save.



I thought you said you were a Vulcan.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No I said some of my friends are Vulcans. I get that all the time as I have on pointy ears and people jump to conclusions. 
Here listen to this song, Baby and the apes are my friends.

Apr 25, 2010 ... Elton John's 1974 hit "Baby and The apes" with lyrics below. Lyrics: Hey kid, rock n roll,  Rock on, move my soul ...She's got her groove, always on the move, I read it in a blogozine, oh

There were two of us really, like Paul McCartney was that Tavistock plug in when the original got wiped. I'm the ones the Germans like, the real Germans, not the ones you think of as Germans. The Germans that did that AI thing, not the lezbos with the weather terror.

People always mistake my dogs for apes. They are more like transponders from the main plasma frame. It saves in those hologram things as we just put the waves into any organism and wetware the eware.

Here this song will explain it all.

Jul 22, 2017 ... Provided to YouTube by Parlophone UK Cherry (1987 Remaster) · Cliff Richard Love Songs ℗ 1987 Parlophone Records Ltd, a Warner Music Group ...The young wear their freedom like cheap perfume...

I thought it was Carrie. I made the same mistake with Devil Woman, In that that was Elvis No Mun, in a story of Graceland going bankrupt.

May I interject something into this.

Excuse me, but I mean to interrupt and interject as nothing is as it seems.

Oh I suppose you're saying I'm not real.

The pretty ones always get all the attention.

These are things that even Germans are forbidden from knowing.

I'm not learning anything here. You might as well told me five by five as what does this popular girl have to with all of this?

Sep 6, 2010 ... If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one Tip my hat to the sun in the west Feel the ...

What I was going to interject is that you are not going to learn anything here, but in that you are going to learn everything.......well at least what someone like you should know who monitors such things.

Nov 11, 2015 ... SUGARLOAF "Don't Call Us We'll Call You" 1975 HQ.

Nuff Said
